Social Work Services
Social Services provides free assistance to patients and their families in managing and adapting to changes resulting from illness or hospitalization. These services include discharge planning, transitioning to assisted living or nursing homes, and coordinating home health care services.
Medical social workers are an important resource in providing support, education, counseling, encouragement, and timely interventions, especially during times of crisis. They can also assist patients and families in navigating the healthcare system during difficult times, including sensitive end-of-life discussions and care.
Hospice social workers help both patients and families address various social, emotional, and practical challenges near the end of life. These caring providers enhance the social functioning and overall well-being of hospice patients and their families. They assess, educate, advocate for, and directly assist those they serve.
Social Services Offered:
- Advocate for patients and families
- Connect to community, county, and state resources
- Counsel patients and families and assist with emotional and psychological distress
- Provide information on advance directives
- Discharge planning and assistance with post-hospital placement and services
- Assist with questions concerning finances
- Address issues of family violence and abuse
- Intervene with individuals who cannot care for themselves or are in danger of self-harm or from others