Lab Services

About Our Laboratory

For many people the word la-BOR-a-tory conjures up images of mad scientists and sinister hunchbacks with bubbling potions and petri dishes filled with funky organisms. Well, that may be true in science fiction, but in the science of healthcare the Lab and its professionals are anything but mad.

Our laboratory may be located out of sight, but when it comes to the services it provides our medical providers and ultimately our patients, it’s anything but out of mind.

“Our providers have an expectation of fast, accurate results,” says OCAHS lab manager Donna Morehead, “We are a vital link in helping the provider make a diagnosis.”

Donna explains: “Your blood is the inside picture of what’s going on in your body. Two people can walk into our clinic or ER with the same symptoms, and it will be a blood analysis that will determine what’s going on and how to treat them.”

And blood is a big part of what this team does – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. From the “draw room” medical assistants to the lab’s medical technologists, these valued employees are on call 24/7 and are competent in all disciplines, which are …

  • Hematology: blood analysis – infections, anemia.
  • Chemistry: cardiac panels, PSA tests, lipids, glucose – this is the largest volume of tests done here, according to Donna.
  • Urinalysis: the chemical composition of urine (e.g. proteins, sugar).
  • Microbiology: the diagnosis of causative agents – the microbes/organisms that are causing an infection (like e.coli, MRSA, “super bugs”).
  • Blood Bank: the lab keeps 40 units of blood on hand from the Siouxland Blood Bank – they type and store the blood for patient transfusions.

All together, our lab performs a whopping 375,000 tests annually!

OCAHS Laboratory
1000 Lincoln Circle SE
Orange City, IA 51041

Monday - Friday
7:30 am - 5 pm

Saturday - Appointment Only
8:00 am - 12 pm

Direct Test Patient Access Laboratory Testing

Complete and sign this Direct Test form and bring with you to the Orange City Medical Clinic to order your requested lab tests.
Direct Test Lab Form - English
Direct Test Lab Form - Spanish

Orange City Area Health System’s laboratory offers Direct Test Patient Testing, allowing you to order several lab tests quickly and conveniently without visiting your doctor. All testing is done in our accredited laboratory by our professional lab staff.

Direct Test allows you to monitor certain ongoing health risks or to assess for potential health risks.

They are a helpful tool but are not to be used as a substitute to visiting with your family medicine provider regularly. Data derived from these tests may not be conclusive. Testing may vary depending on age, sex, time of day the sample is taken, diet, medications, and the limits of modern technology.

Keep in mind that a normal result does not guarantee you do not need medical attention, and an abnormal result may not necessarily be abnormal for you based on your complete medical history.

Test results will be sent to you via MyChart, so it is necessary for you (or your dependents) to have a MyChart account.


For questions, please call our lab department at:

Draw/Kit Process ($25)
Venipuncture ($15)

ABO/Rh Blood Typing ($20)
Complete Blood Count ($15)
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel ($25)
CPK ($10)
CRP ($15)
Estradiol ($30)
Fasting Blood Sugar ($10)
Ferritin ($20)
Folate ($30)
Free T4 ($15)
HCG Quant ($30)
HCG Screen ($20)
Hemoglobin A1C ($20)
Insulin ($30)
Iron ($10)
Iron binding ($15)
Lipid Panel ($25)
Magnesium ($10)
Progesterone ($30)
Prostate Specific Antigen ($30)
Testosterone, Total ($30)
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone ($25)
Uric Acid ($10)
Vitamin B12 ($30)
Vitamin D ($25)

Note: payment is due at time of service

18-39 Years:
Complete Blood Count every 3 years
Lipid Profile every 5 years
If Body Mass Index (BMI) > 25, Fasting blood sugar or A1C yearly

40+ Years:
Complete Blood Count yearly
Lipid Profile yearly
Fasting blood sugar yearly
Complete Metabolic Panel yearly

Men: Prostate Specific Antigen yearly

For questions, please call our lab department at (712) 737-5227