Harrison Hanson, MD
Chief Medical Officer, Family Medicine, Obstetrics, Natural Procreative (NaPro) Technology Creighton Model Fertility Care Services, Emergency Medicine
Naprotechnology is an acronym for Natural Procreative Technology. It is a restorative reproductive science that seeks to identify and treat fertility issues in cooperation with a women’s natural cycle. It uses the Creighton Model FertilityCare System to track a women’s cycle. This system can be used to avoid or achieve pregnancy. Based on the charting, specific hormone testing can be done around the time of ovulation and post-ovulatory to help guide therapy.
It can be used to treat dysfunctional uterine bleeding, ovarian cysts, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and infertility.
All the treatments work cooperatively with a women’s own cycle and strive to restore her body to normal function. It has applications to support hormone levels in pregnancy and work to prevent miscarriage and preterm labor. The science can be applied throughout a women’s reproductive life from the onset of periods to breastfeeding to perimenopause. The goal is to give women knowledge of their fertility and health so they have the authority to make the decisions that best fit their family life.
We have three registered nurses who are FertilityCare Trainers at Orange City Area Health System Ferility Care Center. These classes are conducted in our clinic on an individual basis. They are coordinated with Dr. Harrison Hanson and Dr. Allison Schoenfelder, family medicine and birthcare physicians at Orange City Area Health System, who are also certified medical consultants trained in NaPro Technology. NaPro Technology is a science that these providers use to help patients with infertility, recurrent miscarriages, PMS, ovarian cysts, menopause, and a variety of reproductive issues. They use the standardized charting of the Creighton Model as a tool to assist them in identifying indicators – or problems – and prescribing treatments on an individual basis.
If you are interested in learning the Creighton Model FertilityCare System, please call the clinic at to schedule a visit with Dr. Hanson or Dr. Schoenfelder.
OCAHS Medical Clinic
1000 Lincoln Circle SE
Orange City, IA 51041
Medical Clinic: (712) 737-2000
The advantages of the CrMS are numerous. First of all, it is safe! There are no known medical side effects associated with its use. It is inexpensive! The cost of FertilityCare™ services is considerably less than that of contraceptives. It is highly reliable and it is natural. The CrMS cooperates with the couple’s own natural fertility process.
Another important advantage to the system is that it is a shared method of fertility regulation. The responsibility for its use is placed equally upon both spouses. To use this system successfully, it is necessary to make accurate observations and to chart them correctly. In addition, one must follow the instructions of the system which depend upon the couple’s decision to either achieve or avoid pregnancy. Also, the couple should be mutually motivated in its use and enter into it with a loving and cooperative spirit.
As the couple learns more about their natural phases of fertility and infertility, they will begin to realize how important and vital these gifts really are. Unlike contraceptives, the CrMS treats fertility as a normal and healthy process. It does not treat fertility as a disease! The challenge to live in harmony with one’s fertility it often one of the most exciting and meaningful aspects in the use of this system. Most couples find that the love and respect each holds for the other grows as their understanding and appreciation of their fertility increases. It is a system that it firmly based in a respect for human life, human dignity and the integrity of marriage. Indeed, it is the couples who use this system and their families that benefit from this experience.
The effectiveness of the Creighton Model System has been extensively studied and a meta-analysis of the system incorporating the data from five separate studies into a composite which includes 1,876 couples over 17,130 couple months of use has been published. These studies all utilizing life-table analysis and an objective assessment of pregnancies, reported the range of the method-effectiveness to avoid pregnancy at the 12th ordinal month to be 98.7 to 99.8 (with the five-study composite 99.5). The use-effectiveness to avoid pregnancy for the same time period ranged from 94.6 to 97.9 and was shown to continually improve over the 14 years of the studies (the five-study composite was 96.8)
“FertilityCare is more than just getting pregnant – and the model and technology really address that. I love that it teaches a woman to recognize normalities in her body and take action when something isn’t right. It uses information about her normal menstrual cycle to be proactive in the process of becoming pregnant and when she does achieve a pregnancy. We have been so thankful for this tool and the providers we have worked with and are so excited to have Dr. Allison close to home to continue our care with her. She has been a huge part in our journey and we are very grateful to have her knowledge and support through times of grief and sorrow and most importantly joy and expectance.”
Maggie Greving
Chief Medical Officer, Family Medicine, Obstetrics, Natural Procreative (NaPro) Technology Creighton Model Fertility Care Services, Emergency Medicine
Family Medicine, Obstetrics, Natural Procreative (NaPro) Technology Creighton Model Fertility Care Services, Emergency Medicine
Orange City Area Health System offers three medical clinics in Orange City, Hospers, and Paullina, along with a Walk-In Clinic for after-hours and weekends. Each clinic is staffed with a team of family medicine physicians and providers who are committed to providing general family practice services.
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