About Us

Our Mission

Orange City Area Health Foundation's mission is to support the work of Orange City Area Health System through philanthropy and community engagement, ensuring the health and well-being of the area..

Our Vision

Ensuring the health and well-being of our communities, now and into the future, through philanthropy and volunteerism.

Meet the Foundation Director

Sarah Jungers oversees the day-to-day operations of the Orange City Area Health Foundation. Sarah has a Bachelor's Degree from the University of South Dakota and completed her Master's Degree in Business and Health Administration from USD as well. She has served on a number of boards of directors in Iowa. In addition to her foundation role, Sarah oversees community relations for the health system. She enjoys traveling, and she and her family reside in Orange City.

For foundation inquiries:
Phone: 712-737-5349
E-mail: Sarah.Jungers@ochealthsystem.org
Address: 1000 Lincoln Cir SE, Orange City, IA 51041

Orange City Area Health Foundation Board

Martin W. Guthmiller, President
Sarah Jungers, Director of Foundation & Community Relations
Daryl Beltman, Chair
Kathy Alons, Secretary/Treasure
David Vander Werff
Gary Richardson
Gina Poppema
Kristin Mellema