Al's Story

“In the fall of 2021, I was scheduled to have a routine screening colonoscopy. In a previous screening a polyp had been detected but nothing of any significance, and I was anticipating the same results this time.

Dr. Nykamp performed the colonoscopy in the Orange City Area Health System Surgery Center, but this time he noticed something a little abnormal in my large intestine. He sent the biopsy for evaluation, but the results were inconclusive. Dr. Nykamp suggested that another colonoscopy be performed and that another sample be sent in. The results were positive for cancer. It was in the early stages and had not penetrated through the wall of my large intestine.

Dr. Nykamp recommended that I have a colon resection surgery to remove the cancerous portion.

Because of the location of the cancer, he and Dr. Steve Locker performed the surgery. I spent about six days in the Orange City hospital after the surgery and then recuperated at home.

Later I was referred to a cancer doctor to determine what treatment, if any, was required in my case. I met with a visiting oncologist, Dr. Abu. He was very complementary toward Dr. Nykamp and saluted his persistence in finding the cancer. He didn’t recommend any further treatment and said that he was pleased to see such a positive outcome for me.

I am extremely happy with how everything turned out. I received excellent treatment from the surgery team, the nurses, and everyone I dealt with. They treated me with care and concern. Nothing was a problem for the doctors, nurses, and all the support staff. I was treated as a real person and a friend.

It’s been two years now since I had my surgery and I’m doing very well. For a few years I will have follow-up colonoscopies yearly to screen for cancer.”

“I recommend colonoscopies — as recommended by your doctor. The procedure is not bad at all. If nothing is detected, you have peace of mind, but if something is found, especially if it is found early, your outlook for recovery is excellent.”

-Al Donaldson, Colon Cancer Survivor